Industry expertise - Healthcare And Pharma

Traditional sectors reap the obvious benefits of advanced technology, such as cost reduction, high efficiency and superior user experience. In the case of healthcare, these IT-based improvements go the extra mile, bringing life-saving potential for end-users, and a game-changing optimization to health and pharma professionals.

QCerris collaborates with hospital management and medical device makers to create user-centric, compliant, and high-tech health solutions.

Market competitor

Rarely does one IT professional get an opportunity to apply their long-acquired knowledge to elevate critical aspects of society, such as healthcare. QCerris knows the tough challenges healthcare and pharma professionals are facing daily, and we take great pride in being part of this ever-changing industry that impacts the future of humanity.

Well versed in:


There is no other industry where the ability to efficiently deal with vast volumes of data is more important. Breaking up data silos and sharing the data among stakeholders while maximizing security, is the essence of QCerris’ work in healthcare and pharma. Our work and deep expertise also include compliance management and data regulation.

User expirience

As a year-long partner to many health-centred enterprises, we have gained the ability to recognise and address the specific nuances of the sector. Translated into innovative technology: we prioritize a patient-centric approach with UX research to develop an advanced digital solution based on the specific needs of end-users and administrators.


Blockchain technology is the optimal way to create a robust framework for enhancing data security across massive industries, such as healthcare. QCerris's experienced blockchain engineers know how to utilize this technology’s unique features to maximize data security.

Some of our achievements in health industry:

Development of next-generation digital health solutions
Securing the regulation compliance
Optimization of the supplier relation software
Modernization and improvement of the record keeping systems

Let’s create inovative digital health solutions.

Get in touch today