Own Your Software Development With  Next-Gen DevOps Solutions

It seems like yesterday DevOps was considered a hot topic in the world of transformative IT services. Now, it is a go-to approach that redefines efficiency in software development and guarantees the ultimate customer satisfaction. If done properly, of course.

From CI/CD to containerization to DevSecOps - professional DevOps services welcome automation and simplified workflows, sending bottlenecked pipelines and security issues to the past.

Explore DevOps practices that will elevate your delivery pipeline

Continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) provide a modernized delivery pipeline, where things run smoothly and mistakes are prevented. Check, test, document, and validate your code with the power of automation.
Consistency is crucial in redefining the simplicity, scalability, and efficiency of your deployment cycle. Containerization technology proved to be fundamental in pushing your app through development, testing, and production environments without a glitch.
When infrastructure components, such as servers, networks, and storage, are defined and configured using code, the results are automation, consistency, and version control you need for an improved collaboration between development and operations teams.
Security automation
Security has to be continuous at every stage of the software development and infrastructure life cycle. DevSecOps are essential measures integrated into the process from the very beginning to ensure a stable, reliable, and error-free system.

Why choose QCerris DevOps services

When we say agile, we mean it

As pioneers in shifting from traditional silos and lack of communication between dev and operations to a DevOps mindset, we promise to reduce TTM and increase software quality.

Any DevOps practice, any cloud

DevOps and Cloud are our second nature, ever since the early days of the virtualization of the data center. So far we have successfully incorporated all tools and tactics on all cloud platforms.

Certified experience

QCerris DevOps engineers are equipped to provide comprehensive support in all the stages of DevOps implementation, from assessment to maintenance and continuous improvement.

Ready to unleash an agile transformation?

Consultation is free.

Technologies we use

Technologies we use

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